
Monday, June 1, 2020

Update #3 Important Information for Woainidreads & SickmadhouSickmadhouse's Customers & Clients!

Update #3 June 1, 2020
Hey everyone. I thought the pandemic
going to hit Wo Ai Ni Dreads &
Sickmadhouse hard but I was wrong.
The ongoing looting and destroying
businesses including homes, had me
very emotional for a while. I hope each
one of you is doing okay out there.
Chicago is a hot mess right now.
Watching my local businesses being
destroyed on live unsettling. We
haven't reopen Chicago yet. 😭 Last
night was scary and very sad. Especially
some places in Chicago had zero police
presence. The ongoing very limited
transportation to curfew times. Uhhhh!
I took most of our listings down on
Ebay, Bonanza, Mercari etc... for now
we wait for good news. If an ongoing
order hasn't been shipped out, we are
still making it. We haven't forgotten
about you. Contact us if you're worried.
We marked orders ship or add a
tracking # for items that are shipped
off. USPS is slow on First Class Mail for
being short handed. That's why our
handling times have been whack. For
my independent custom orders, I'll
contact you shortly. Now we have to be
careful where we drop everyone orders
because I don't want no one to loot
them. Please bare with us during these
harsh times.
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